Friday, August 22, 2014

Postscript and Thank Yous from 2014 Kenya Trip

Hello there everyone,

This will be my last writing about my short term mission trip to Kenya. It has been a wild ride yet we certainly have been blessed by the responses from the people we reached out to. And it is clear to me that you as my sponsors deserve much of the credit for this, since without your support I could not have traveled there. So thank you again for your prayers and financial support that made my trip possible.

Our team has talked at length among itself as to how well the pastors in Eldoret and the students and faculty of New Dawn responded to the themes of our teaching. These themes were voiced so convincingly by Miriam even last December that we chose to run with them. These themes were about a healing ministry through the arts and scripture. The education team, under the leadership of Maggie, Judy, Lance, and Ann, chose to work by reaching out to the students at New Dawn through painting, drama, song, and poetry. I tried to address woman’s issues, especially sexual abuse, through lessons based on stories from the Old and New Testaments.

We were all amazed how well the students and faculty at New Dawn and the Pastors and workers from the Rescue Center in Eldoret responded. Clearly this was because abuse of women in every possible form is endemic in the slums of Eldoret and Nairobi, yet training of social workers, pastors and teachers to help victims is woefully inadequate. The tragic consequence of this is that young people of every age who are being or have been victimized do not get the professional help they need. This is why I am so happy that at least in Eldoret, the Rescue Center is now going to write material that will educate Pastors in the region on how to deal with sexual abuse. At New Dawn, Pastor Sammy confessed that he had been radically transformed by the teachings on sexual abuse and women’s issues. From now on he said his dealings would certainly be based on how to express compassion to its victims.

So once again thank you for your faithful support,


Below are transcripts of just a few of the thank you notes received from students in Eldoret and Nairobi:

Thank you Hans and Lois,

You really portray a genuine self, your warmth has a certain healing touch that chases away all the gloom. Lois thank you for allowing Hans to be a blessing to us even when you needed him most by your side especially now.

You inspire my life so much and my heart loves you all.

Thank you very much,

From Milly and my family (Milicent is, I believe, the director of the Rescue Center in Eldoret.)

Dear Hans,

You have no idea how I was looking forward to your teachings. I have learnt so much even more than I expected. I have been challenged to be careful not to sin in my thought world, as God sees my evil thoughts as sin. I have also been challenged not to be judgmental, but to accept others as God accepts (them) with compassion and love.

May God give you all the wisdom and strength to continue sharing God’s word with others both for the Christian and non Christian.

God bless you mightily!!


Hi Hans,

I may not have enough words to express my gratitude of love to you. I want to let you know that I am totally transformed (in reference to women’s issues) by the words of your teaching. My attitude towards those who may look downcast (is that) through the teachings of the Bible I feel I have been created to always provide a shoulder for them to cry on. You have been a blessing to me, and (even) more a blessing to our church by the sermon you brought to us last Sunday.

God bless you Hans, may his face always shine on you and your family!

Blessings to you from yours in the Lord’s service,

Pastor Sammy

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