Monday, July 28, 2014

Prayer Requests

Hello, Hans' Kenya support team. As my dad sends me email updates from Kenya, I will be posting them here on this blog. Feel free to post comments and responses here, but please understand that Hans will not be able to read or respond to these comments while on his trip. I will try to make sure he sees them when he gets home and has time to read them (and has me to help him navigate the blogosphere. :) )

If you would like more information about Kizimani, the organization he is going with, you may want to check out the Kizimani website. While all of the costs for Hans's travel have been covered, if you would feel led to make an additional contribution to Kizimani, you can use the "Donate" button on their website.

As he prepares to leave, he has given a number of prayer requests that he believes will be vital to make the trip a success. So here we go, please pray for:

  • A safe trip, in the air, and especially on the ground as the teams travels by micro bus.
  • The team to come together and experience a real oneness of purpose.
  • The team to remain healthy during the whole trip.
  • The whole team to get plenty of rest.
  • No problems or delays going through customs, and that no luggage will get lost.
  • Miriam, Janet, Bob, and Maggie to be able to deal with all team issues with wisdom, grace and sound leadership.
  • My assistant Stella and I to really be able to work together well.
  • The Kenyans to be ready and receptive to receive and understand our teachings and learn to walk in them.

Well that will be a good start, please continue to cover us as you are moved to pray.